fluentbooking 1.6.0

FluentBooking 1.6.0: Collective Meeting, Host Scheduling in Round Robin, Custom Date-Time Format, and More!

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you’re doing fantastic! It’s the end of 2024 and we can’t help but reflect on what an incredible journey it’s been for FluentBooking — and it’s all thanks to you. Together, we’ve accomplished so much, and we’re just getting started. The best is yet to come! But today isn’t just…

fluentbooking first anniversary

FluentBooking Turns One: A Journey of Innovation and Growth!

Hello, FluentBooking family! October 18th marks a truly special occasion for WordPress users—and us at WPManageNinja—because exactly one year ago, we set out to transform how appointments are managed within WordPress. That’s right! Today, we’re celebrating the first anniversary of FluentBooking—the plugin that has revolutionized appointment scheduling for thousands of businesses across the globe. From…

fluentbooking 1.5.22

FluentBooking 1.5.22: Elementor Integration (Free Version), File Field, Hidden Field, & More

Hello Everyone, It’s been a while since our last release, and trust us, the FluentBooking team is doing everything possible to meet your expectations. We believe you’re enjoying using FluentBooking for your everyday appointment management. That being said, today we’re back with a minor product release, bringing you some exciting updates and performance improvements. So,…

fluentbooking 1.5.20

FluentBooking 1.5.20: Calendar Export & Import, Reorder Events, Multiple Bookings, & More!

The FluentBooking team is like the crew from Mission Impossible, tackling every challenge with determination and skill. Just like Ethan Hunt never backs down from a mission, our developers have been working tirelessly to bring you the best version of FluentBooking yet. If you peek into our lab, you’ll see the same focus and hard…

fluentbooking 1.5.10

FluentBooking 1.5.10: Date Picker, Manual Confirmation Email Sending, Location Info, and More!

Hello guys! I hope you all are enjoying your days. Guess what? My team can’t stop working hard! That might surprise you, but we are on a mission to make FluentBooking the go-to option for every appointment lover. That being said, today we are back with another exciting FluentBooking release to provide you with more…

fluentbooking 1.5.0

FluentBooking 1.5.0: Free Version, Frontend Panel, One-off Event, and More!

Hello awesome people! Hope you’re all having a great day! Today I’m here to make it even better. Like any product update, we have some exciting news that we can’t wait to share. Today I have some BIG news that will take your appointment management experience in WordPress to the next level. After our last…

FluentBooking 1.4.2

FluentBooking 1.4.2: FluentBoards Integration, Elementor Integration, New Event Triggers, New Short Code, and More!

While some members of our team are busy attending WordCamp Europe, some are still obsessed with coding new FluentBooking features. And I’m not surprised by their dedication! Just tell me how can we forget our users? Today, we’re back with another exciting product update packed with new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Without further…

FluentBooking 1.4.1 Release Note

FluentBooking 1.4.1: Advanced Settings, Improved Booking & Admin Controls, Upgraded Cancel/Reschedule Management and More!

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Gogh After the last release, our dedicated team has been hard at work to bring you new features and performance improvements. With that being said, we have some exciting news to share! To make your appointment management even better, we have…

fluentbooking 1.4.0

FluentBooking 1.4.0: User Bookings, Manual Booking Confirmation, ICS File Attachment, and More!

Hello, FluentBooking fans! We hope you’re having a great day managing your appointments with FluentBooking. And the FluentBooking team has been up to some exciting stuff lately to make your appointment management experience even better. Today we’re back again with another exciting product release and we can’t wait to share what’s waiting for you. But…

fluentbooking 1.3.0

FluentBooking 1.3.0: Multi-payment Option, PayPal Integration, Stripe Refund, Rescheduled Trigger, and More!

It’s been a while since the last FluentBooking update and the team has been busy doing some crazy stuff. Well, we have attended WordCamp Asia, celebrated International Women’s Day with our amazing women, coded new FluentBooking features, and of course, kept partying. But that’s not all! We broke the silence and announced our next-gen project…

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