The Booking section in FluentBooking contains all the information about your reservations. You can also sort the bookings by host. Let’s take a closer look at the Booking section to see how each option works.
Bookings #
Upcoming Bookings: This is where you can find information about your upcoming meetings. To see more details about a particular booking, just click on the View Details button.

Completed Bookings: If you need a quick overview of your past reservations, visit the Completed section. It’s like an archive of your finished bookings. For more detailed information about completed bookings, click the View Details button for the particular booking you want to see.
Latest Bookings: To check out your most recent reservations, go to the Latest Booking area. This is where you’ll find the newest bookings.
All Bookings: For a comprehensive view of your booking details, the All section is where you’ll find everything neatly organized.

View Specific Host’s Bookings #
If you’d like to focus on a particular host’s bookings, simply select their name from the list in the top-right corner. This provides a quick way to access all the bookings associated with that host.

Booking Details: 360 view #
Along with the Invitee and Meeting information, you will have 360-degree insights into the whole booking details, including upcoming bookings and 3rd party activities such as Webhook, FluentCRM, Google Calendar, and Zoom.
You will also find the source of the booking if it came from any of your Fluent Form entries. Also, if you have this contact in the FluentCRM contact list, it will show the contact information on the sidebar.

In FluentBookings, we’ve designed it to be easy for you to manage your booking details. Enjoy the simplicity!
Hi, can we have a calendar views of the bookings upcoming with months and days and have a global view of the bookings?
Hey Tommaso,
It’s not possible currently, but we have this feature suggestion in our pipeline.
Is it possible to create several calendars for different possible providers?
Hi Jeremy,
Yes, it is possible.
Is it possible to manually add a booking from the back end? Thanks
Hi Daniel,
Yes, it’s possible.
There is a problem, pending bookings are not removed automatically, which removes slots from the calendar? How do we set an expiration time for pending bookings ?
Hi Patrice,
You can set expiration time for pending bookings under the “Global Settings” in FluentBooking.
Hi, I’m wondering what the workflow is for pending bookings when no payment gateway is activated? The bookings come in with the pending status but no email is sent to either the organizer nor the person making the booking. I can’t find the place to mark them as accepted or paid either. Only completed. Am I missing something here? 🙂
Hi John,
In the next FluentBooking release you can expect the feature to mark your bookings as paid.So keep your eyes open 👀
how can booked appointments be viewed on the front end? Is there short code somewhere that can be used?
Hi David, this feature isn’t available. We may add this in the future.
Holy Cow! That seems ridiculous, especially because the marketing on this site promises an “easy portal”
Hi Ken, Fair enough. I’ll ask the developers to prioritize this feature.