In FluentBooking, you have the freedom to enhance your host profile with more information and exciting features. This guide will walk you through the process of personalizing your Host/Calendar profile.
Calendar/Host Settings #
To access the settings, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your dashboard.
- Select Booking Calendars.
- Look for the Host Setting button associated with each host profile. Click on this button to access the host profile settings.

Customize Your Calendar / Host Profile #
Within the host settings, you can make the following adjustments for your host:
- Calendar/Host Avatar: Change the image representing your host in FluentBooking. By default, it will show you the Gravatar image, if you have any.
- Featured Image: Add an appealing image to showcase your host profile; the image will be used once you share the link on any social media.
- Host Name/Calendar Name: Edit or add a name for your host.
- Host Phone: To get event notifications on your phone via SMS
- About: Include a description or introduction for your host/calendar profile.
- Enable Landing Page Feature for this Calendar: This feature enables you to share your public profile URL with anyone. You can customize the link behavior; you can show All Booking Forms or you can show Selected Booking Forms.

Deleting Your Host Profile #
If you ever need to delete your Host/Calendar profile, follow these steps:
- Visit Booking Calendars.
- Locate the host profile you want to delete, and you’ll see three Vertical Dots on the host profile. Click on them.
- You will find a Delete button to remove the host profile.

Don’t forget to click Save Changes to confirm your updates to the host profile.
That covers the essentials of managing your FluentBooking Host/Calendar profile. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
I have two hosts with their own Gmail ID. I am not able to assign/create a new host for his own Gmail ID. This forces me to create booking for only one host from one particular Gmail ID.
Hey Ashish,
Please submit a support ticket here